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Every field in our world has a way of making money for a job. Some earning by providing a service, permanent employee or part-time job in various areas of life.


The entertainment industry is mainly related to the world of advertising. Yes, it’s is not a necessity of daily life such as eating, drinking and housing, but this does not diminish the importance of this area because it is the area where people find comfort and vent the stresses of daily life.


Today's phone applications are involved in all these areas, particularly in the entertainment industry. which takeover a huge share of phone apps. So that involvement with advertising become essential.


Everyone knows here that our application is engaged in entertainment mainly and therefore advertising is the only way to make money and that is to keep development and support on an ongoing basis.


Opinions differ about the ads within our app in particular and can be summarized among users of the application through public reviews or sent to us from their own feedback as follows:

- Some are not fully receptive to the idea of ads and do not see a reason of existence of ads within the app at all and are not willing to pay for the removal of those ads.

- There are also those who understand the existence of ads but do not bear the use of the application by the presence of ads whether they are reasonable or not and are willing to pay for their removal.

- Others are fully understanding the existence of the ads and see them as a necessity for continuity of development and support, but they consider that their number within the application is exaggerated and should be reduced.

- There are also those who fully understand the idea of advertising and can accept their existence whether they consider them many or reasonable as long as the application is free and can benefit from it without expenses.

- There are also those who downloaded the application and consider it useless and nothing distinguishes it and wrote their review about the ads, but here we cannot take this opinion because they do not use the app at all and we can’t discuss these opinions.


We are not here to judge the validity of these opinions, but we are trying to highlight some points that may clarify some of the questions that may be raised about the ads.

There are many existing applications that are for a simple and specific purpose, but developers take the decision to increase the complexities within the application and increase the number of screens to be more and more distributed on the application and thus the percentage of ads compared to the number of screens 50% for example. To simplify the idea more if a family of 12 lives in a large house and with many rooms you won't see this house crowded unlike if this family lives in a small apartment you will definitely see that the place is very crowded.


This is the case in our application where the decision to be simple and uncomplicated is the right decision based on the reviews of the users even if the interface may not seem luxurious design. However, the choice of the number of screens as needed is the right choice and the increase of screens as there is a logical justification for them. The ads seem to be crowded and some may see their presence excessive and exaggerated, but they barely come up with a decent profit.


It is true that the passion to work on this application was the main motivation to develop it and create it to work with the best performance. I am just like you who is a movie watcher almost on a daily basis and I use it like you, but working on it is a time consuming and needs efforts.

