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The importance of users reviews


One of the most important mechanisms for creating an idea or project is to take opinions and advice by taking advantage of people's opinions and shared their ideas. You can hardly see any project in our time or even the past that does not adopt this mechanism as a basis for its continuity and continuous development and may shorten the working time or avoid the project the risk of failure. This mechanism can never be underestimated because it is so important.


Now in our daily lives we eat, Use transportation, buy goods or Use technology and we don't notice that there is someone who is very interested to see how satisfied we are with these things that we do every day and want to get statistics on how effective they are and even pay a lot of money to get this information. For example, each of us eats his meal at home and doesn’t see a big deal here. It’s just a meal to eat to, but whoever prepared this meal is very interested in knowing whether his cooking is good or not and usually we don’t feel this person.


Here in our project we take the reviews seriously and we don’t underestimate the importance of any of them and monitor them continuously to ensure the effectiveness and importance of the project to the users.

We can divide these opinions according to what we reach as follows:

- There are those who write their review to express their admiration for the app with words of thanks and express his happiness with the existence of the application. We exchange the same feeling of thanks and gratitude for his encouraging and nice words.

- Also, there are those who find the application very useful and express their admiration and add notes that he finds important to add in the app and also we thank him for that and take his opinion into consideration and strive to work to satisfy him.

- There are those who use the application and need it and see that it is not good enough and needs simple or major changes. We benefit from his opinion and try to find a solution to keep him with us.

- There are those who evaluate the application on something that is not in it at all and not within the scope of the project like going to the pizza restaurant and is upset because there is no sushi. We also wish to provide what he is asking, but the priorities oblige us to focus on what is most important.

- There are those who use the app and know its purpose well, but they don’t see it deserve a good evaluation and we hope we can change that.

- There are also reviews written due to a bug in the app which requires us to fix that bug and publish the new version as soon as possible. Some of those who wrote this type of review keeping it even after fixing the bug and nobody know whether or not they are using the app. Others who are interested to return to adjust the review to be useful to other users.

- There are also reviews that add nothing to development and cause confusion for users who want to read opinions to benefit. For example, someone writes something incomprehensible, asks an unclear question, angry for some reason, or writes offensive words without obvious justification.


Therefore, giving your opinion is very important because you may benefit others from what you have benefited from or save others from something that harm you, and this is what keeps entrepreneurs working on the real value for the purpose of their project. So you and I contribute to spread good things and keeping things harmful to people just by devoting seconds or minutes at most of your time to write your opinion.

