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Translation server protection & limitations


Today's servers are extremely important in serving people around the world with countless services. So the importance of protection has become a priority for the continuity of its work with the performance required for all.

Aspects of the protection of these servers, including but not limited to protecting them from viruses or external attacks and sabotage and the theft of data or malware that hinder the performance of the server as required.

Here we will limit the discussion to one type of server protection, which is to protect it from misuse.

Most, if not all, important servers around the world are protected against bad or excessive use to ensure that they are not disrupted for such use, but not limited to: -

A restaurant app server receives delivery requests for customers. If we assume that this server is not protected against bad use and someone came with the intention of sabotaging and disrupting the work of this server and made many false requests through incorrect data. This work will inevitably cause disruption to server performance and result in service disruption for other customers who expect good service from the restaurant. That’s all because of one person wanted to sabotage.

The protection of servers from this type of risk may affect some ordinary users who do not have a bad intention, So the server may ask to confirm the identity or temporarily suspend the use of the service because the server can only distinguish between users in automated and programmatic ways.

The app has the following message that sometimes appears to users.

“The translation server is not allowing too many processes in short time. Please try later.”

This message does not mean that you abuse the server, it means you used the server overly, the way in which to deprive others of the use of the service if we assume that there is no protection for the server. Of course each server has its own rules of the usage mechanism.

And here we have no control over the Translation Server and we have to respect its rules and if we had the ability to make unlimited use available to everyone, we would not have had a reason to stop you temporarily, which is beyond our control and we wish everyone to understand this.

